Stàladh air uidheam airson Mercedes
Airson Mercedes Benz le siostam NTG4.5 leabhar-làimhe stàlaidh taisbeanaidh Android
Nota: Dèan cinnteach gun dì-cheangail thu solar cumhachd a’ charbaid mus cuir thu a-steach e.Feuch an dèan thu cinnteach a bheil a h-uile gnìomh de scrion android ag obair gu math, an uairsin stàlaich am pannal agus an CD a chaidh a thoirt air falbh.Mar a dh’ aithnicheas tu an dreach de shiostam Mercedes-Benz NTG: cliog an seo ma tha an càr agad siostam NTG5.0 / 5.2 cliog an seo, N...Leugh tuilleadh -
Mar a shocraicheas tu siostam Mercedes NTG4.5 a ’sealltainn“ gun chomharradh ”
Feuch an toir thu sùil air na leanas: Ma tha an CD/headunit tùsail air a thionndadh air.Ma tha an càball LVDS air a phlugadh a-steach gu scrion android gu ceart.Leugh tuilleadh -
Airson Mercedes Benz le siostam NTG4.0 leabhar-làimhe stàlaidh Android Screen
Note: Please power off before installation, after connecting all cables, check if NTG and Android system display, sound, knob control etc. all work well, then power off and complete the installation How to identify the version of Mercedes-Benz NTG system : cliog an seo ma tha an càr agad NTG5.0/5...Leugh tuilleadh -
Mar a shocraicheas tu sgrion Android gun fhuaim airson Mercedes Le siostam NTG4.0
If your car has optic fiber(Ignore if no optic fiber), need to relocate it to android harnes Click for details Some Mercedes models require connection to the AUX port to output sound AUDIO SET: Car with NTG4.0 system not support “Automatically switch AUX” modh, feuch an suidhich thu ...Leugh tuilleadh -
Mar a shocraicheas tu siostam Mercedes NTG4.0 a’ sealltainn “gun chomharran”
Feuch an toir thu sùil air na leanas: Ma tha an CD/headunit tùsail air a thionndadh air.Thoir an aire gu bheil càball cumhachd (NTG4.0 LV ...Leugh tuilleadh -
nuair a chleachdas tu carplay gun uèir no taisbeanadh Android auto Wi-Fi agus Bluetooth mar a tha e dùinte
Route 1: When use wireless CarPlay, it will occupy WIFI and Bluetooth channels,so WIFI and Bluetooth show closed.If you want to keep WIFI connection, Exit Carplay and turn off auto boot in “CarAuto” setting, and uncheck “Zlink” option ann an suidheachadh factaraidh.Slighe 2: Ma tha thu airson...Leugh tuilleadh -
Mar a ruitheas tu Rèidio agus seòladh aig an aon àm
Rèidio agus seòladh a 'ruith aig an aon àm: Feum air slighe a thaghadh airson seòladh ann an roghainnean.Slighean: Setting-> Navigation-> Tagh Navi APP a tha thu ag iarraidh.Leugh tuilleadh -
Mar a shocraicheas tu ceangal fèin-ghluasadach Apple Carplay agus Android neo-shoirbheachail no gun fhuaim
1>.If carplay connection is not successful or no sound,please ensure that your phone's Bluetooth and WIFI are turned on, and forget all connected Bluetooth devices in your phone's Bluetooth settings, then restart screen and reconnect Bluetooth 2> If Android screen cannot sea ...Leugh tuilleadh -
Mar a shocraicheas tu clàr gàirdeachais càr / inneal dràibhidh nach eil ag obair
If your car has optic fiber(Ignore if no optic fiber), need to relocate it to android harnes Click for details if the “CAN Protocol” chosen correctly (SETTINGS->FACTORY(KEY:2018)->CAN Protocol)Choose according to siostam OEM a’ chàir BMW Mercedes Benz NOTA: ...Leugh tuilleadh -
Mar a shocraicheas tu sgrion Android gun fhuaim airson Mercedes Le siostam NTG5.0
If your car has optic fiber(Ignore if no optic fiber), need to relocate it to android harnes Click for details Mercedes with NTG5.0 system need to connect “USB-Aux adapter” to output sound,you can find this kit in the paca.Thoir sùil a bheil an taghadh “CAN Protocol” c ...Leugh tuilleadh -
Mar a shocraicheas tu siostam Mercedes NTG5.0 a ’sealltainn“ gun chomharradh ”
Feuch an toir thu sùil air na leanas: Ma tha an CD/headunit tùsail air a thionndadh air.Ma tha an càball LVDS air a phlugadh a-steach gu scrion android gu ceart.Leugh tuilleadh -
A ’càradh duilgheadasan frasadh agus taisbeanaidh siostam OEM às deidh dhut scrion Android a chuir a-steach airson Mercedes Benz
Às deidh dhut an scrion Android a chuir a-steach, is dòcha gum bi duilgheadasan agad leithid flickering no taisbeanadh ceàrr de shiostam tùsail Benz.Faodaidh na cùisean sin a bhith air adhbhrachadh le cùisean ceangail, no cùisean rèiteachaidh sgrion.Seo cuid de na fuasglaidhean a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith ann: 1>.Ma tha fibre optic aig a’ chàr agad (Leig seachad mura h-eil ...Leugh tuilleadh